In honor of Epilepsy Awareness Month 2020, we are running virtual epilepsy support groups on Wednesdays throughout November.

There are two different sessions one for the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT London) and another session later in the day for the Pacific Standard Timezone (PST Los Angeles) timezone.
If you have seizures or Epilepsy or your care for someone who does, you’re welcome to join any session. Just a reminder, we at Brain Ablaze are not medical professionals. We are just people who have a lifetime of experience battling seizures.
All sessions will be using Zoom. If you have any questions regarding how to download and connect, please check out this tutorial.
GMT London Session
Our next session starts is on Wednesday, November 25th at 6 PM (GMT). Here is the invitation:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 4921 6642
Passcode: 186051
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,87249216642#,,,,,,0#,,186051# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,87249216642#,,,,,,0#,,186051# US (Tacoma)
PST Los Angeles Session
Our next session starts on Wednesday, November 18th at 5 PM (PST Los Angeles). Here is the invitation.
Brain Ablaze Support Group (PST)
Meeting ID: 891 4597 8229
Passcode: 5CiM67
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding the support sessions don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email at